To log into the EasyMail Server, first determine whether you are logging into the server locally or via a Local Area Network (LAN).
If you are logging onto the server locally, make sure that the menuitem “Enable Local Logon”is disabled (greyed). If it is not, select the item now.
If you are logging onto the server via a Local Area Network (LAN), make sure that the menuitem “Enable Network Logon”is disabled (greyed). If it is not, select the item now.
Next, select “Logon” from the “User” menu.
You will then be asked for a user name to log into the server as. Click the username you are assigned to use, and click “Ok”.
Next, enter your user password to verify that you are the user you selected to log into the server as. If you make a mistake when entering your password, backspace over the entire contents of the box and re-enter your password.
Click “Ok” when you are finished entering your password.
How do I... log out of the EasyMail Server?
To log out of the EasyMail Server, just select “Logoff”from the “User”menu.
How do I... change my user password?
To change your password, you must first be logged into the EasyMail Server.
If you have not already done so, log into the server.
To change your password, select “Change Password” from the “User” menu.
Enter your old password for verification and click the “Ok” button to continue.
Next, enter your new password and click the “Ok”button. You will then have to verify your password by re-typing it.
When you have finished typing it in, click the “Ok” button.
How do I... enable local logons?
To enable you to log into the EasyMail Server using your machine as host server, select “Enable Local Logon”from the “User”menu.
You will no longer be logged onto the AppleTalk server when you log into the EasyMail server.
How do I... enable network logons?
To enable you to log into the EasyMail Server using another machine as host server over a Local Area Network (LAN), select “Enable Network Logon”from the “User”menu.
EasyMail will no longer use your machine for its host.
NOTE: You will need to configure your AppleTalk settings if you have not already done so.
How do I... configure AppleTalk settings?
To use your EasyMail Client to access the EasyMail Server via a Local Area Network (LAN), you need to specify certain settings.
Select “Configure AppleTalk...” from the “User” menu.
Next, you will be asked a series of questions related to your Local Area Network (LAN) setup.
The basic EasyMail server, with three users, costs $10.00 US to register. If you require additional users, then you pay only an additional $10.00 US for an unlimited number of users.
If you have already registered, the total payable is only $10.00 US. Please include your registration number with all correspondence.
The basic EasyMail server, with three users, costs $15.00 CAN to register. If you require additional users, then you pay only an additional $15.00 CAN for an unlimited number of users.
If you have already registered, the total payable is only $15.00 CAN. Please include your registration number with all correspondence.
Payments for registration and licensing amounts may be made payable to Cam Giesbrecht using a US Money Order (or if you live in Canada, a Canadian Money Order) to: